jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2012

Unit 3 Early to Bed, Early to Rise

ScienceDaily (Sep. 30, 2011)

Ben Franklin was right, at least on the healthy part. "Early to bed and early to rise" appears to have helped a cross-section of early-bird Australian youths keep slimmer and more physically active than their night-owl peers, even though both groups got the same amount of sleep.

A study in the Oct. 1 issue of the journal Sleep recorded the bedtimes and wake times of 2,200 Australian participants, ages 9 to 16, and compared their weights and uses of free time over four days. Children who went to bed late and got up late were 1.5 times more likely to become obese than those who went to bed early and got up early. Furthermore, late-nighters were almost twice as likely to be physically inactive and 2.9 times more likely to sit in front of the TV and computer or play video games for more hours than guidelines recommend.

"The children who went to bed late and woke up late, and the children who went to bed early and woke up early got virtually the same amount of sleep in total," said co-author Carol Maher, PhD, a postdoctoral fellow with the University of South Australia. "Scientists have realized in recent years that children who get less sleep tend to do worse on a variety of health outcomes, including the risk of being overweight and obese. Our study suggests that the timing of sleep is even more important."
Maher said mornings are more conducive to physical activity for young people than nights, which offer prime-time TV programming and social networking opportunities. This relationship between time of day and available activities might explain why more sedentary and screen-based behaviors were observed with later bedtimes, she said. At a time when research is showing that teenagers have a natural tendency to stay up late and wake late, the results of this study could stand as a warning.
"It is widely accepted that the sleep patterns of adolescents are fundamentally different from children and adults, and that it is normal for adolescents to stay up very late and sleep in late in the morning," Maher said. "Our findings show that this sleeping pattern is associated with unfavorable activity patterns and health outcomes, and that the adolescents who don't follow this sleep pattern do better."

Other findings from the University of South Australia study:

·      Early-bed/early-risers went to bed 70 to 90 minutes earlier, woke up 60 to 80 minutes earlier and accumulated 27 minutes more moderate to vigorous physical activity each day than late-risers.

·      Late-bed/late-risers watched TV, played video games or were online 48 minutes longer each day than early-bed/early risers, primarily between 7 p.m. and midnight.

·      Only 12 percent of late-bed/late-risers had an average of two hours or less screen time per day, which is recommended for children and teens by the Australian Department of Health and Aging. In comparison, 28 percent of early-bed/early risers met the recommendation for screen time.

·      On a broad scale, late-bed/late-risers replaced about 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity with 30 minutes of sedentary behavior each day, relative to the early-bed/early-rise group.

·      Body-mass index (BMI) scores were higher in late-risers than early-risers, and late-risers were more likely to be overweight or obese.

·      Late-bed/late-risers tended to have few siblings, live in major cities, come from lower household incomes and have a part-time job.

The Australian Food and Grocery Council contributed financially to this study.


Essay 3 

Sleep Deprivation and teenagers

Sleeping  is integral to the health and well-being of all people. Sleep disorders are on the rise and affect millions of people in the world, specially adults and teenagers.
 Misconceptions about sleeping  are prevalent, and the negative effects of poor sleep has grown up  through the years. Deprivation  Sleep decreases human productivity and performance, and increases mortality and causes  other issues like  stress, depression ,on people`s  overall health and wellbeing. All this sleep disorders  are severe , but  they  are worrying in teenagers, because they are the most affected group with  changes in sleep patterns. Because of this, it  is important to be informed about the importance of sleep, the consequences of sleep deprivation,  and the relationship between the teenagers and the disorder.

Sleep deprivation  is considered a part of  modern  life for many people.  Sleep deprivation  is voluntary, and the decline in sleep is not normal. Because we now live in a changing world , our mind  and our need for sleeping  will not adapt to this lifestyle.The importance of sleeping  well is vital for brain function  because sleeping  is brain food, the center of our body. Innovation and  technology makes to people believe that they could reduce the hours of sleep and that they should get used to it without having consequences in everyday life.

 Insomnia cannot be visibly seen like other handicaps, and workers suffering from insomnia may encounter difficulty explaining their condition. Studies show that insomnia symptoms are associated with many health conditions affecting physical and mental health (Siversten et al. 2009). Fatigue, irritability, concentration difficulties, disorientation, changes in mood, visual hallucinations, and paranoid thoughts are some of the problems associated with sleep deprivation and directly affect a person's performance (Bonnet 2005).These are most common consequences of sleep deprivation more common and studied. But there are still studied disorders and diseases that are caused by sleep deprivation and its increase is because every time more alarming is the sleepless hours and its effects.[1]

Sleep disorders can be deadly and their prevalence is increasing, creating widespread public health challenges. It is no surprise that sleep is problematic considering that teenagers sleep less than ever before and have less healthy lifestyles. Normal sleep is important for the development of children and adolescents (Anstead 2000; Dahl & Lewin 2002). Although inconsistent, evidence suggests that the consequences of sleep deprivation in children and adolescents are likely to manifest across several functional domains (Fallone et al. 2002; Fredriksen et al. 2004). Teenagers with low or irregular amounts of sleep have more sick days and an increased rate of injuries (Acebo et al. 1997).

 The consequences and different reasons for the phenomenon of sleep deprivation are not yet completed. It is through observation and studies that have come to observe their effects and importance of sleep are seen . Adolescents sleep significantly less than the recommended 9 h, and sleep duration decreases with increasing age. This probably has both physiological and socio-psychological reasons. The issue of sleep deprivation is also a political one, as school starting times, duration of commuting to school and school schedules have an impact on sleep duration, student performance and daytime sleepiness. [2]


Loessi, B. B., Valerius, G. G., Kopasz, M. M., Hornyak, M. M., Riemann, D. D., & Voderholzer, U. U. (2008). Are adolescents chronically sleep-deprived? An investigation of sleep habits of adolescents in the Southwest of Germany. Child: Care, Health & Development, 34(5), 549-556

Wells, M., & Vaughn, B. V. (2012). Poor Sleep Challenging the Health of a Nation. Neurodiagnostic Journal, 52(3), 233-249.

[1] Wells, M., & Vaughn, B. V. (2012). Poor Sleep Challenging the Health of a Nation. Neurodiagnostic Journal, 52(3), 233-249.
[2] Loessl, B. B., Valerius, G. G., Kopasz, M. M., Hornyak, M. M., Riemann, D. D., & Voderholzer, U. U. (2008). Are adolescents chronically sleep-deprived? An investigation of sleep habits of adolescents in the Southwest of Germany. Child: Care, Health & Development, 34(5), 549-556

Unit 2 Achilles Heel

Teresa Perales Fernández 

Born in Zaragoza on 29 December 1975, is a Paralympic swimmer who won two gold medals at the 2004 Summer Paralympics and then three more gold medals at the 2008 Summer Paralympics. She won her first medals at the 2000 Summer Paralympics.  

At the 2012 Summer Paralympics she served as her country's flag-bearer  and won a gold medal at 100m freestyle, three silver medals at 50m and 200m freestyle and 50m butterfly and two bronze medals at 200 individual medley and 100 breaststroke reaching the 22 medals in her career. In addition to swimming she is an Aragonese Party politician.

Essay 2
The Blind Side

“The Blind Side” film is the story of Michael Oher , a homeless and traumatized boy who became an All American football player with the help of a caring woman and her family . This movie is about the power of love and the importance of family as the center of our life. The change that happened  inside Michael’s life is reflected when he can achive all his dreams . This is a story of effort and courage to become a better person. For these reasons , “ The Blind Side” exalts family values, Michael`s  role as a teenager , and the support provided to Michael to meet his goals.

Michael was homeless and did not have the love and protection of a family. Family is what gives us a sense of belonging and security in adolescence. Michael's family was disfunctional, and he did not know his brothers and his mother was an alcoholic. When he is received by the Tuohy family , he learns  about family  union. This family shows the values ​​of respect, acceptance, understanding, and love.

Adolescence is a difficult time, a period of physical and psychological changes from childhood  to adulthood. Michael did not have a role model; he was aloneand was surrounded by criminals where he used to live. Adolescence defines what we will do in the future. Michael needed the guidance and support of a family to achieve his talent emerging towards sports and study.

Through "The Blind Side", the influence of family to succeed is a key element  for  Michael to achieve what he wanted. He had the friendship of the Tuohy children, who urged him to strive. Without the influence of the adoptive mother, and perseverance to make Michael give his best, Michael’s achievements would not be true. This movie touches the depths of our soul,changing the  marginal life of a boy with no future in society as someone to admire.

I think about the importance of families or communities,  which generously welcome those whose life have not  smiled to them. This story encourages us to be people with more humanity to the problems and pain of others. Our role in life is to help those we can give a helping hand.  We are masters of our destiny, and we can change the destiny of others. In football, “ The Blind Side”  refers to the part of the field the player can not see, so when he gets tackled from the blind side, it is often an intense impact. In the movie, I assume it also refers to the unexpected impact  a  family  has bringing when Michael  to their life.

Unit 1 Information Overload

Essay  N.1 

Information Overload

Nowdays technology is very important and useful in people`s  life .This tool has made the daily life easier .It has changed they way people all over the World comunicate and connect .However it is also causing negative issues , affecting everybody. Although Technology has innovated and change  people`s life, it is becoming overwhelming because people are wasting time, having physical problems and experiencing emotional disorders.

If  people don`t work properly, because they are in front of a computer seeing Facebook, they are wasting time. This  problem happens when people are always  surfing Internet and social webs . The Workers have low productivity  because  they access skype  or other web sites. Children  spend a lot  of time playing  games or using the web without any parental control. The  universities have policies and filters to block the access to avoid the massive traffic and wasted time in students.

As a  student of Occupational Health,  I know about the physical problems produced by the hours in front a cell phone, computers or  tablets without having a ergonomical position. The neck, shoulders and back are most affected by uncomfortable positions, also causing  stress and tension.  Education about physical problems  is neccesary in  job centers , schools and other places about  the correct way to use all this technological devices. The knowledge about the physical problems that  cause the increase in the use of tecnology can change the way of manipulate these. The manufactures could  teach about  ergonomical recomendations in the users manual.
Emotional disorders like lack of sleep, stress and bad humor, are consecuences about the wrong use of technology. People use the email very late at night  and do not sleep. This is a reason why  people neglect their own mental health and the way to overcome the problems of their daily life. People do not  want to spend time with  family and talk about  issues ,they do not like to take a break and do not  disconnect from the World. We must pay attention about all these disorders  that can be more dangerous  through the years.

The Industrial Revolution and communications were many changes in our way of life. The world became smaller and accessible. The technology grew and joined thousands of people through a computer via internet. This produced a social and environmental impact that we are experiencing. The information overload is the consequence of globalization without measures that created man.

martes, 27 de noviembre de 2012

Unit 8 : Sit Down Meal

Unit 8 Sit Down Meal 


Essay 5 

Sit Down Meal

People live in a very fast world  without having time to sleep, eat or spend time with family. This is one of the consequences of globalization,  and  the change in the food habits. Every day it is more difficult  to gather with  the family  at the dinner table  and share the things that happened to us during the day . Customs and eating habits have changed. The fast   way of  life  through  the years,  the use of technology  and the  increase  of    fast food  have made  people lose  family unity, have health changes in general and suffer from obesity.

Communication  among family members   is lower. People work  for  many hours every day  and do not  have  time to discuss family issues. Parents and children are unknown, living under the same roof, but they know nothing of each other.
Even with technological tools , we are away instead of being closer.  We have lost the ability and time to talk. We must come back to family meals, sharing and enjoying the family circle where you can talk about sadness and joys.

One of the most important factors that a family meal offers is to enjoy a homemade dinner. Vegetables, fruits, meats and meals were part of the daily diet while preparing food at home. Quick fast food has changed all that and, consequently, people’s health. The increase in blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease has increased among children and adults, in percentages never seen before. Fast food has changed the weight and how we eat.

Obesity is the disease of our time. The use and abuse of fast food in excessive form has begun to lead obesity and morbid obesity in children and adults. People have lost the sense of what healthy food is . It has been difficult for parents to be aware of the damage food causes on the growth and development of a child. Advertising, lack of time, and the loss of family customs are part of the reason why fast food is preferred to sit at the table to eat.

Gathering at the family table and sharing special occasions and celebrations, for hours, is something of the past. Everything now has to be fast. Globalization and the cost of life leaves no time to communicate with family and friends. The consequences of this lifestyle has caused damage to health and wellness. It is still not too late to change and keep this beautiful and healthy habit to get together at the table.